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Table 1 Final mean fitness of groups evolved under each resource regime for 2000 generations.

From: Experimental evolution with E. coli in diverse resource environments. I. Fluctuating environments promote divergence of replicate populations


Grand Mean (± SEM)


glu&mal set



1.210 (± 0.009)

<0.001 †


1.266 (± 0.013)



1.218 (± 0.022)



1.246 (± 0.017)


glu&lac set



1.210 (± 0.009)



1.426 (± 0.027)



1.294 (± 0.033)



1.303 (± 0.018)


  1. *;One-tailed t-test. The null hypothesis is that the mean fitness equals 1.0. SEM values are based on the 6 replicate populations in each treatment group, except for the mal group which had only 5 surviving replicates.
  2. †Values that remain significant (P < 0.05) following sequential Bonferroni correction for the four tests performed within each resource set are shown in bold.
  3. ‡The glu group is repeated for clarity.