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Figure 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 3

From: Retrotransposition and mutation events yield Rap1 GTPases with differential signalling capacity

Figure 3

Comparison of mRap1A-retro1, mRap1A-retro2 and hRap1B-retro insertion loci. A. Existence of 2 genomic loci containing mRap1A-retro1 (Accession: EU359270) and mRap1A-retro2 (Accession: EU359271) is supported by (1) the NCBI chr.7 contig (NCBI, Accession: 20828562), (2) homologous sequences of the cellera assembly chr.7 contig (cel, Accession: 82906099) and the RZPD cosmid (csm, German Science Centre for Genome Research cosmid: MPMGc121C10270Q2) and the corresponding cDNAs of Gtf2H1a (Accession: 31982312) and Gtf2H1b (Accession: 2582796). As we resolved, by sequencing, the whole 5' UTR region of mRap1A-retro1, it is depicted as a longer message as compared to mRap1A-retro2. For alignments see [Additional file 2: Supplemental Figure S2]. Bottom: Rap1A retrogenes are absent from the orthologous loci in the rat genome. B. Based on the human-chimp genome comparisons we identified a sequence of the insertion/cleavage site: 5'-ctcaatcctaTTTT/Atgaaatccat-3' on the chr. 5 in the chimp genome. hRap1B-retro (GIs: 50474682, 50475494, 50470789, 50498405, 50492447) is located on the chr. 5 (Accession: 51465008). Red-colored boxes: transcripts of retrogenes. Dark-colored boxes within the retrogenes transcripts designate ORFs. Arrows mark a transcription direction. Yellow-colored boxes mark TSDs. Gray blocks mark regions of homology with an e-value < 10E-5.

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