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Figure 12 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 12

From: Tracking the evolutionary history of Cortinarius species in section Calochroi, with transoceanic disjunct distributions

Figure 12

Colour change reactions with KOH 40% mycelia at the stipe bulb and on pileus surface of dried specimens. a - c: C. arcuatorum: a. Blood colour on mycelia in IB19870239. b. Blood colour on pileus surface in IB19870239. c. Pink on pileus surface in TUB 019283. d - f: C. aureofulvus: d. Black on mycelia in IB19890428. e. Purple on pileus surface in IB19930612. f. Reaction in (e), turning black after some minutes. g - i: C. elegantior var. americanus IB198959 holotype: g. Wine red on mycelia. h. Intense wine red on pileus surface. i. Reaction in (g), after a while becoming dark wine red. j. Pink with orange tinge on mycelia in C. napus TUB 019282. k - l: C. albobrunnoides. k. Pink with orange tinge on mycelia in C. albobrunnoides IB19890298. l. Dark red-brown on pileus surface in C. albobrunnoides IB19970303. Note: photographs were taken in natural daylight.

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