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Figure 6 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 6

From: Molecular phylogeny of the higher and lower taxonomy of the Fusariumgenus and differences in the evolutionary histories of multiple genes

Figure 6

Maximum likelihood tree of the Fusarium genus and related genera inferred from the combined sequences of the rDNA cluster and the β-tub , and EF-α genes. Taking into account the different tempos and modes of nucleotide substitutions, all parameters of the substitution model were separately estimated for each gene using the GTR + I + Γ model. The branch lengths are proportional to the estimated number of nucleotide substitutions. For the protein-coding genes β-tub and EF-1α, each codon position was analysed separately. The bootstrap probability (BP; 1000 replicates) values over 75% are displayed on the nodes. Sections supported by morphological taxonomic systems are described, and include Arachnites, Arthrosporiella, Discolor; Elegans, Eupionnotes, Gibbosum, Lateritium, Liseola, Martiella and Ventricosum, Roseum, Spicarioides, and Sporotrichiella.

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