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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Morphostasis in a novel eukaryote illuminates the evolutionary transition from phagotrophy to phototrophy: description of Rapaza viridis n. gen. et sp. (Euglenozoa, Euglenida)

Figure 1

Differential interference contrast (DIC) light micrographs (LM) of Rapaza viridis n. gen. et sp. showing general morphological features of the species. A. Time series of a live cell showing euglenoid movement (arrow, stigma). B. LM showing paramylon grains (arrowheads) free in the cytoplasm. C. LM showing R. viridis capturing a Tetraselmis cell (arrowhead) with the anterior part of the cell. D. LM showing R. viridis engulfing a Tetraselmis cell. The arrow points to the theca of Tetraselmis, and the arrowheads denote the expanded cytostome of R. viridis. E-F. LMs of R. viridis cells that have been starved for one week (arrow, stigma; double arrowhead, euglenid chloroplast). G-H. LMs of R. viridis cells that were fed 24 hours earlier. E-H. same magnification. Scale bars 10 μm in A, C-H; 5 μm in B.

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