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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Demasculinization of the Anopheles gambiae X chromosome

Figure 2

Chromosomal linkage of sex-biased genes in adult A. gambiae. A) Percentages of genes with increased expression in adult male (blue) or female (pink) A. gambiae mosquitoes are shown for the chromosomes X, 2 and 3 at increasing expression ratios. Significant differences in the number of genes with increased expression found in a particular chromosome were evaluated by hypergeometric distribution using as reference the overall number of genes linked to the same chromosome in the meta-analysis dataset (orange). B) Percentages of significantly regulated male (blue), female (pink) and non-biased genes (grey), as identified by RankProduct analysis, in the overall dataset, the X chromsome and the autosomes 2 and 3. Significant differences in the number of male and female biased genes observed were evaluated by hypergeometric distribution against the observed number for the same class in the overall dataset (P = <0.01:asterisk). C) Average chromosome-wide expression intensity per chromosome presented for male-biased genes and female-biased genes. Bar graphs presenting the average expression intensity for all genes in a particular chromosome (black line), + − 25th-75th quartile (box) and range of chromosome-wide hybridization intensities (whiskers) are shown.

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