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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Modularity of a leaf moth-wing pattern and a versatile characteristic of the wing-pattern ground plan

Figure 2

Camouflage patterns on two moth wings. These two moths belong to the same family, Noctuidae, but display different types of wing patterns. (a) When resting, O. excavata displays a leaf pattern to potential predators. (b) The male dorsal right forewing has an outline that resembles a leaf. (c) The forewing mimics leaf venation, comprising a main vein and right and left lateral veins (highlighted with yellow, orange, and pink lines, respectively). (d) When resting, the forewings of T. juno fold horizontally. (e) The dorsal wings of a male moth. (f) The forewing pattern consists of four parallel lines that result in a chevron-shaped mark in the folded wings.

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