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Figure 12 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 12

From: A new xinjiangchelyid turtle from the Middle Jurassic of Xinjiang, China and the evolution of the basipterygoid process in Mesozoic turtles

Figure 12

Braincase and palatoquadrate of select Mesozoic turtles. A, Hoyasemys jimenezi MCCM-LH-84; B, Sandownia harrisi (MIWG 3480); C, Adocus sp. (CCM 60-15); D, Solnhofia parsonsi (TM 4023); E, Portlandemys mcdowelli (NHMUK R2914); F, Bouliachelys suteri (SAM P41106). Abbreviations: bo: basioccipital, bpt: basipterygoid process, bs: basisphenoid, ex: exoccipital, fca: fenestra caroticus, fpccc: foramen posterius canalis carotici cerebralis, fpcci: foramen posterius canalis carotici interni, fpccp: foramen posterius canalis carotici palatinum, pt: pterygoid, sch: secondary choana. Sandownia harrisi (B) appears to retain a small basipterygoid process inside the fenestra caroticus, but given that is not exposed on the palatal surface of the skull and not visible in ventral view we suggest reflecting this difference in the scoring of this taxon in the future. Adocus lineolatus (C) has a reduced fenestra caroticus (fca). The fpccp and the fpccc in this species are situated close to one another deep inside the fenestra caroticus and therefore they are not visible in ventral view.

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