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Figure 5 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 5

From: Growth reaction norms of domesticated, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon families in response to differing social and physical environments

Figure 5

Family representation in all six tanks, experiment II. Number of sampled individuals from each farmed, hybrid and wild family, in all six tanks. Mortality was low in the hatchery control treatment, thus at the time of sampling 750 individuals were randomly selected for parental assignment. In the restricted hatchery treatment and the restricted semi-natural treatment all individuals were sampled and identified to family. Families within each group are ranked by their egg size in increasing order, due to the positive relationship between egg size and survival. Lines represent the expected number of individuals/family in each tank, assuming all 29 families were sampled/survived equally. All families were sampled within their expected frequencies in the hatchery control treatment where mortality was low. Mortality were higher in the restricted semi-natural treatment than in the restricted hatchery treatment, and wild salmon displayed significantly higher mortality rates than the hybrid and farmed salmon in both treatments.

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