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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Analysis of the human Alu Ye lineage

Figure 2

Parallel insertions at the Ye5AH161 locus. A) The figure shows an agarose gel chromatograph of the PCR products resulting from amplification at the Ye5AH161 locus in 13 primate species. The ~795 bp PCR product is found in the human, common chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee, gorilla, green monkey, Rhesus monkey, macaque, woolly monkey and spider monkey genomes. Smaller bands were found in orangutan, gibbon and siamang. Sequence analysis of the PCR products shows three independent insertions; a Ye5 in subtribe Hominina (human, chimpanzee and gorilla), a second insertion of an Alu Sp in old world monkeys, and an Alu Sx insertion in new world monkeys. Suspected non-homologous recombination has inserted 145 bp in the orangutan genome at this locus. B) A schematic representation of the multiple Alu independent insertions and the distance between the shared Alu Sx and the independently inserted Alu elements. The sequence of Fer1L3-Exon 39 is shown. Silent mutations are highlighted and the distance from the inserted Alus are indicated. Abbreviations used in the figure are: Human (H), Chimpanzee (C), Gorilla (G), Orangutan (O), Gibbon (Gn), Siamang (S), Green monkey (Gm), Rhesus monkey (R), Macaque (M), Woolly monkey (W) and Spider monkey (Sm).

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