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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: A mitogenomic approach to the taxonomy of pollocks: Theragra chalcogramma and T. finnmarchica represent one single species

Figure 2

Phylogenetic relationship of Theragra. (A) Maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree based on 16.500 nucleotide positions and the TMV+I+G evolutionary model. Trees constructed by neighbour-joining (NJ, Jukes-Cantor substitution model) and maximum parsimony (MP, heuristic searches) displayed almost identical topologies with the ML tree. Bootstrap values (2000 replications) are shown at the branches (ML/MP/NJ). Theragra sequences are boxed. (B) Tree presenting the topology (same ML tree as in A) with bootstrap values (2000 replications) over 50% at the branches (ML/MP/NJ). The relationship between T. finnmarchica and the two speciemens J3 and J4 of T. chalcogramma from the Sea of Japan are boxed.

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