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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: FlowerPower: clustering proteins into domain architecture classes for phylogenomic inference of protein function

Figure 1

Comparison of performances of BLAST, PSIBLAST, T2K and FlowerPower in identifying global homologs. The X-axis refers to the average sensitivity (or recall) of each method across the dataset and the Y-axis refers to the average precision (or selectivity). Sensitivity is the fraction of the target homolog set identified by a method (i.e., TP/TP+FN). Precision is the fraction of the set selected by a method that belongs to the same domain architecture class (i.e., TP/TP+FP). Results of FlowerPower at varying parameterizations are presented including percent identity cutoffs for sequence selection (25%, 20% and 15%) and stringent ("str") and relaxed ("rel") query and hit coverage cutoffs, based on sequence length. The BLAST parameters refer to e-value cutoffs of 10-20, 10-10 and 10-5. For PSI-BLAST the e-value cut-off used were 10-10, 10-5 and 10-3, using three iterations. T2K was run using default parameters. The inset displays FlowerPower results using different parameterizations.

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