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Figure 4 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 4

From: Prebiotic replicase evolution in a surface-bound metabolic system: parasites as a source of adaptive evolution

Figure 4

The replicase activity – replication rate trade-off. d k is the change in replication rate due to a single mutation. d k is randomly drawn from a Gaussian distribution (dashed line) of mean 0 and standard deviation σ k . d r is the change in replicase activity due to the same mutation. The solid line is the trade-off curve of parameter a. In panel A d r is simply calculated from the d r = - a d k linear trade-off function (hard trade-off case). In panel B a noise component of Gaussian distribution (dashed-dotted line) with mean 0 and standard deviation σ r is added to d r to allow for some "wobbling" in the trade-off relation (soft trade-off). σ r is the plasticity parameter of the trade-off.

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