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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Rapid and repeated limb loss in a clade of scincid lizards

Figure 1

Majority-rule consensus of 5000 trees sampled after attaining stationarity in a Bayesian analysis of nucleotide sequences for 72 species of Lerista . Mean branch lengths from the Bayesian analysis have been modified via penalised likelihood rate smoothing to produce an ultrametric tree. Posterior probabilities ≥ 0.50 followed by maximum likelihood numbers of digits for the manus and pes are shown adjacent to internal nodes. Ancestral states for the manus were reconstructed assuming maximum likelihood rates of digit gain and loss; for the pes, ancestral states are those inferred assuming the maximum likelihood rate of digit loss and rates of digit gain of 0.020–0.025 (see text). Alternative numbers of pedal digits yielding a log-likelihood within two units of the optimal value (i.e., that for the maximum likelihood estimate) are presented in parentheses for ancestral digit configurations not observed among nominal species of Lerista. Modal digit configurations follow species names. Branches are coloured according to digit configuration: dark blue, 5, 5; light blue, 4, 4; light blue-green, 3, 3; green, 2, 3; light yellow-green, 2, 2; yellow, 1, 3 and 1, 2; light orange, 0, 2; dark orange, 0, 1; red, 0, 0.

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