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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Differences in the selection response of serially repeated color pattern characters: Standing variation, development, and evolution

Figure 1

Distribution of eyespot phenotypes before and after selection. Bivariate phenotype distributions of eyespot color composition and size before and after artificial selection. A-C, color composition of ventral hindwing eyespots E4 and E6; D-F, size of dorsal forewing anterior and posterior eyespots. In all panels, grey points illustrate phenotype distributions in the starting populations at Generation 0. B and E, distribution of concerted selection lines at Generation 10 relative to Generation 0 (B: 'Black-Black' selected lines in red, 'Gold-Gold' selected lines in blue; E: 'Large-Large' lines in red, 'Small-Small' lines in blue). C and F, distribution of antagonistic selection lines at Generation 10 relative to Generation 0 (C: 'Black-Gold' in blue, 'Gold-Black' in red; F: 'Small-Large' in blue, 'Large-Small' in red). Filled and solid points denote replicates in each selection direction. All data for Generation 10 are shown relative to trait values at Generation 0 (see Materials and Methods for details of trait estimation and selection). Before selection, color composition and size are both positively correlated across pairs of eyespots, but each shows substantial variation in the direction corresponding to antagonistic selection (shown in Figure 2). For Generation 0, N = 1056 for color composition and N = 2254 for size; sample sizes for individual selection lines at Generation 10 ranged from N = 179 to N = 228 (color composition) and from N = 191 to N = 245 (size).

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