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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Phylogenetic relationships in Cortinarius, section Calochroi, inferred from nuclear DNA sequences

Figure 1

Phylogenetic relationships within Cortinarius section Calochroi as derived from ML analysis of ITS-5.8S + D1/D2 rDNA sequences. Numbers above branches are bootstrap values (values < 50% not shown) from 1000 replicates. North American Calochroi collections are printed in blue. Host tree genera are coded as follows: Betulaceae, Bet = Betula, Car = Carpinus, Cor = Corylus, Ericaceae, Arb = Arbutus; Fagaceae, Fag = Fagus, Que = Quercus, Lit = Lithocarpus; Pinaceae, Abi = Abies, Lar = Larix, Pic = Picea, Pin = Pinus, Pse = Pseudotsuga, Tsu = Tsuga; Salicaceae, Pop = Populus, Sal = Salix. Names in boldface correspond to sequences also used in the combined phylogenetic analysis (Figure 3); type collections are indicated by (T).

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