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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Assessing what is needed to resolve a molecular phylogeny: simulations and empirical data from emydid turtles

Figure 1

Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the 66-taxon mitochondrial cytochrome b data set (1070 bp). Estimated ML model parameters conform to the GTR+G+I model of sequence evolution. -ln L = 8318.58321, rate matrix: A-C = 1.9225, A-G = 16.9646, A-T = 0.9616, C-G = 0.391, C-T = 16.9646, G-T = 1. Base frequencies: A = .30, C = .31, G = .12, T = .27. Proportion of invariant sites (I) = 0.407, and γ-shape parameter = 1.0758. # indicate nodes with Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) of 1, and ML and MP bootstrap values of 100. * indicate nodes with ≥ .95 BPP and ML and MP bootstrap values ≥ 90. Numerical values indicate BPP/ML/MP support values.

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