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Fig. 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 3

From: Evolution of group I introns in Porifera: new evidence for intron mobility and implications for DNA barcoding

Fig. 3

Cox1 (introns excluded) bayesian inference (MrBayes, GTR + G + I model) phylogeny of the family Tetillidae. The maximum likelihood (RAxML) tree is congruent. Squares represent node supports. Black squares: PP = 0.95–1.00, BP = 75–100. Dark gray squares: PP = 0.75–0.94, BP = 60–74. White squares: PP < 0.75, BP < 60. Numbers behind each taxa are GenBank accession numbers or voucher numbers (for new sequences). Sequences generated in this study are in bold. Color code follows Fig. 2 and corresponds to the different intron insertion positions, except two Cinachyrella sp. 2 species, which are marked in purple as they possess two introns (714 + 723)

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