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Fig. 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 1

From: Adaptive differentiation coincides with local bioclimatic conditions along an elevational cline in populations of a lichen-forming fungus

Fig. 1

Location of the study site in north-eastern Sardinia (Italy) and location of six populations of L. pustulata along the elevation cline. The numbers in the color legend refer to the bioclimatic zones by [32]: 17 - lower mesomediterranean-upper dry-weak euoceanic, 20 - lower mesomediterranean-lower sub-humid-weak euoceanic, 26 - upper mesomediterranean-lower sub-humid-weak euoceanic, 28 - upper mesomediterranean-upper sub-humid-weak euoceanic, 30 - upper mesomediterranean-lower humid-weak euoceanic, 36 - upper mesotemperate (sub-Mediterranean)-lower humid-weak euoceanic, 37 - upper mesotemperate (sub-Mediterranean)-lower humid-weak semi-continental, 40 - lower supratemperate-lower humid-weak semi-continental, 41 - lower supratemperate-lower hyperhumid-weak semi-continental. The color gradient represents the bioclimatic profile of the cline, ranging from Mediterranean pluviseasonal oceanic (M) (populations 1–4) to temperate oceanic, submediterranean variant (TOm) (population 5), to temperate oceanic (TO) (population 6) climate

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