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Fig. 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 2

From: Evolution within a language: environmental differences contribute to divergence of dialect groups

Fig. 2

Partitioning the total variation in linguistic differences to components explained by variation in extra-linguistic factors. The extra-linguistic factors are environmental (E), cultural (C), geographical (D), joined environment-cultural (EC) and administrative (A) distances. (a) The relative proportions of E, C and D in explaining linguistic differences between the dialect groups. (b) The relative proportions of E, C and D, and (c) the relative proportions of A, D and EC in explaining linguistic differences between the municipal dialects. The values present the percentages of individual (a-c) and joint (d-g) contributions of explanatory factors; h refers to the amount of unexplained variation. Circle sizes roughly represent percentages of the total variation

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