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Fig. 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 3

From: Phylogeography of freshwater planorbid snails reveals diversification patterns in Eurasian continental islands

Fig. 3

Maximum clade credibility tree generated by the BEAST2 analysis from the mtDNA and nDNA sequences (CO1, 16S, and H3; 1375 bp). The outgroups are not shown. On the right side, sample numbers and nominal clades are listed. Colour indicates the region of the collected samples or an estimation of region according to ancestral state reconstruction. The branches with a low location probability (< 0.70) and a high location probability (0.90) are shown using a striped pattern and a grid pattern, respectively. Node bars indicate 95% CI of the divergence time, and pink node bars indicate branches within the Japanese archipelago. The numbers or marks on the left side of each node indicate BPP. The BPP and node bars are only shown for the relatively supported (BPP > 0.90) nodes. The numbers on the right side of the nodes are the nominal clade number. In the lower part of the graph is the geologic time scale

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