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Fig. 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 3

From: The evolution of ependymin-related proteins

Fig. 3

Summarised phylogenetic analysis of EPDR protein sequences. Colouring of the branches corresponds to the phylogenetic groups to which the species belong, and follows the scheme established in Fig. 1. Maximum likelihood tree, branches with high support from both analyses (maximum likelihood bootstrap values > 80 and Bayesian posterior probability values > 90) are indicated by a solid line, those with bootstrap values > 50 or posterior probability values > 70 are indicated by a dashed line, and those with lower support are indicated by a dotted line. The two major EPDR clades are indicated by the outer circle, the cysteine profile displayed by the sequences is indicated by the inner circle. Major clades identified by Suárez-Castillo and García-Arrarás [10] are also indicated (Brain, Tj, and MERPs), including those proposed to belong to the ‘basal’ clade (black dots). The scale bar indicates the number of substitutions per site. For a complete tree including support values and individual sequence names refer to Additional file 6

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