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Fig. 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 1

From: Widespread occurrence of asexual reproduction in higher termites of the Termes group (Termitidae: Termitinae)

Fig. 1

Photographs of reproductives of Palmitermes impostor (a, b), Spinitermes trispinosus (c, d) and Inquilinitermes inquilinus (e, f). Primary colonies (a, c, e) are headed by a primary king (PK) and a primary queen (PQ), and secondary colonies (b, d, f) are headed by numerous nymphoid neotenic queens (NEOQ). Neotenics develop from a nymphal stage called aspirant (NYX) displaying a soil-filled digestive tube and translucent wing buds. Female aspirants and neotenics are mainly produced through thelytoky while the dispersing reproductives (alates, A) and sterile castes, workers (W) and soldiers (S), are produced through sexual reproduction. Additional female reproductives, two pseudoimagos (PS) with incomplete imaginal pigmentation and only partially developed wings, were found in P. impostor (b). Scale bars, 5 mm

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