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Fig. 5 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 5

From: Identification and assessment of variable single-copy orthologous (SCO) nuclear loci for low-level phylogenomics: a case study in the genus Rosa (Rosaceae)

Fig. 5

Correlation between phylogenetic informativeness (PI) and the number of a concordant nodes and b conflicting nodes in SCOTag topologies. c corresponds to the PI distribution for unrootable SCOTag that were not analyzed using PhyParts. Situations with less than 30 points were ploted but not used in the calculation of correlations. Red dots correspond to mean values. Blue lines correspond to regression lines: y = 4.95 + 0.65x, R2 = 0.04 in panel (a) and y = 5.03 + 0.56x, R2 = 0.10 in panel (b). The top most purple dot corresponds to the highest PI profile in Fig. 3b

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