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Table 2 Comparisons in number of outlier SNPs detected between seven outlier detection methods

From: Multi-model seascape genomics identifies distinct environmental drivers of selection among sympatric marine species

Method (Abbreviation)

Model type

Correction for spatial or population structure

C. punctatus

# outliers (# unique)

P. angulosus

# outliers (# unique)

S. granularis

# outliers (# unique)

BayPass core model (BPC)


Yes, population

9 (2)

5 (0)

19 (5)

BayPass auxiliary model (BPA)


Yes, population



4 (0)

Latent factor mixed model (LFMM)

Mixed model

Yes, population

134 (121)

72 (60)

125 (101)

Moran spectral outlier detection (MSOD)

Multivariate model

Yes, spatial

15 (14)

9 (7)

20 (18)

Moran spectral randomization outlier detection (MSR)

Multivariate model

Yes, spatial

3 (NA)

3 (NA)

8 (NA)

Redundancy analysis (RDA)

Multivariate model


9 (3)

9 (1)

16 (2)

Distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA)

Multivariate model

Yes, spatial



1 (1)

  1. Descriptions of outlier detection methods, and the number of total and unique outliers (restricted to that method) detected by each method for each species. Note that MSR could not have unique outliers as it uses those identified by MSOD