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Fig. 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 3

From: Multiple independent chromosomal fusions accompanied the radiation of the Antarctic teleost genus Trematomus (Notothenioidei:Nototheniidae)

Fig. 3

Hybridization of BACs C4 and F15 defines a conserved SU in the Trematominae and other notothenioid clades. a) Trematomus species: 1, I. cyanobrancha (Icy); 2, T. nicolai (Tni); 3, T. bernacchii (Tbe); 4, T. borchgrevinki (Tbo); 5, T. hansoni (Tha); 6, T. newnesi (Tne); 7, T. pennellii (Tpe); and 8, T. eulepidotus (Teu). b) Eight notothenioid species from other clades: 1, L. larseni (Lla); 2, P. ramsayi (Pra); 3, N. coriiceps (Nco); 4, C. hamatus (Cha); 5, C. mawsoni (Cma); 6, D. mawsoni (Dma); 7, G. acuticeps (Gac); and 8, E. maclovinus (Ema). Hybridization of BAC C4 probe was detected using fluorescein (green signals), whereas BAC F15 was imaged using rhodamine (red signals). Chromosomal DNA was counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars: 10 μm

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