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Figure 4 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 4

From: Positive selection of HIV host factors and the evolution of lentivirus genes

Figure 4

HIV-human protein interaction network. Viral proteins are represented by the largest dots. The lightness of each dot indicates the rank of relative evolutionary rates of the viral proteins with dark colors representing a high rank and light colors representing a low rank. Host proteins are represented by smaller dots positioned among the interacting viral proteins. Nodes of the host factors discussed in the text are enlarged. Colors indicate the functional group to which the factors belong: blue - membrane-related proteins, red - innate immune response proteins, magenta - both. The intensity of the colors indicates the positive selection score in the site-based scoring with stronger colors representing a high rank and less intensive colors representing a low rank. Only host proteins with significant LRT in the comparison of the four primates are shown. The network was rendered using Cytoscape [77].

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