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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Extreme genetic diversity in the lizard Atlantolacerta andreanskyi(Werner, 1929): A montane cryptic species complex

Figure 2

Trees resulting from partitioned Bayesian analysis. (A) mitochondrial DNA tree (12S, ND4 and flanking tRNA-His), (B) nuclear concatenated tree (RAG1, ACM4, MC1R, PDC and C-MOS), (C) Concatenated tree from the combined mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. The partitions used the models described in the text. Bayesian posterior probabilities (0–1) and bootstrap values (> 50%) for ML (1–100) are indicated near the branches, (D) Species tree from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data from the Bayesian Inference of Species Trees (STARBEAST). Clade posterior probabilities are shown to the left of the nodes, and divergence times and 95% intervals (calculated in BEAST using only ND4 + tRNA-His), to the right of the nodes. The trees were rooted using Podarcis bocagei, P. hispanica and P. carbonelli. The colors represent the different populations.

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