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Table 1 Sampling sites and number of adult and juvenile (in parentheses) gregaria s. str. and subrugosa ecotypes

From: Discrete phenotypes are not underpinned by genome-wide genetic differentiation in the squat lobster Munida gregaria (Crustacea: Decapoda: Munididae): a multi-marker study covering the Patagonian shelf




gregaria s. str. adults (juveniles)

subrugosa adults (juveniles)



Falklands/Malvinas (FM)




3/16 (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)




4/12 (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)




2/16 (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)




2/16 (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)




2/16a (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)




2/16a (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)




1/1 (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)



16/93 (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)

Northern Chilean Patagonia (NCP)

 Punta Metri



0/0 (4/7)

0/0 (0/0)




3/3 (13/13)

0/0 (0/0)

 Isla Dring



0/0 (7/7)

0/0 (0/0)

 Punta Añihue



0/0 (4/16)

0/0 (0/0)

 Islas Pajaros



0/0 (0/0)

0/0 (5/5)

 Isla Lopez-mine



0/0 (4/7)

0/0 (0/0)

 Isla Solaris



5/5 (0/0)

7/7 (0/0)



8/8 (32/50)

7/7 (5/5)

Tierra del Fuego archipelago (TdF)

 Punta Dungenes



0/0 (0/0)

1/1 (0/0)

 Bahia Gregorio



5/10 (0/0)

0/0 (0/0)

 Seno Otway



0/0 (0/0)

4/13 (0/0)

 Silva Palma



0/0 (0/0)

0/0 (2/7)

 Bahia Inutil



0/0 (0/0)

2/5 (0/0)

 Bahia Nassau



0/0 (0/0)

1/1 (0/0)

 Pt. Engaño



0/0 (0/0)

2/2 (0/0)

 Bahia Virginia



0/0 (0/0)

8/12 (0/0)

 Isla Picton



0/0 (0/0)

0/2 (0/0)

 Isla Lennox



0/0 (0/0)

2/2 (0/0)



5/10 (0/0)

20/38 (2/7)

Mar del Plata (MdP)

 CCDB 2374



0/0 (0/0)

1/0 (0/0)

 Grand total


29/111 (32/50)

28/45 (7/12)

  1. N mtDNA the number of specimens used with mitochondrial marker, N MSAT the number of specimens used with microsatellites
  2. arefers to one specimen with missing genotype at a certain microsatellite locus