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Figure 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 3

From: Intragenic homogenization and multiple copies of prey-wrapping silk genes in Argiopegarden spiders

Figure 3

Concerted evolution and selection on the repetitive region of AcSp1 . (A) Iterated AcSp1 repeats show intra-specific homogenization in the family Araneidae. Midpoint-rooted maximum likelihood tree of AcSp1 DNA repeats (R) from A. amoena (Aam; purple), A. argentata (Aar; orange), A. trifasciata (At; green), and Araneus ventricosus (Av; black). Repeats are numbered from 5’ to 3’. Bootstrap values for species-specific groups are shown. Scale bar indicates substitutions per site. (B) Functional constraint on repeat sequence. Graph of the pairwise identities of consensus AcSp1 repeat sequences from two Argiope species (A. argentata and A. amoena) and Araneus ventricosus to that of Argiope trifasciata. Bars show 100% (green), 66% (yellow), or 33% (red) identity at each position, helical domains found by NMR and DANGLE analyses of A. trifasciata AcSp1 repeat sequence shown in schematic under the graph (helix redrawn from [25]).

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