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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Growth in fossil and extant deer and implications for body size and life history evolution

Figure 2

Histological growth series of dwarf deer femora with skeletal reconstructions [ 55 ] and specimens sampled (anterior view). Red bars indicate plane of sectioning. Candiacervus sp. II under crossed polarised light (xpl). a) Bone cortex of a perinatal specimen (PIMUZ A/V 5244) showing a mainly plexiform arrangement of vascular canals with a high amount of woven-fibred bone (violet areas; additional use of lambda compensator). Scale bar, 0.5 mm. b) Juvenile specimen (PIMUZ A/V 5219). Scale bars, 20 mm (femora all to scale), 1 mm (bone cortex). c) Adult specimen (PIMUZ A/V 5218). Note the increasing amount of parallel-fibred bone (bright areas) and the occurrence of lines of arrested growth (LAGs, white arrows) throughout ontogeny. Scale bar, 1 mm.

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