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Fig. 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 3

From: Time-scale of minor HIV-1 complex circulating recombinant forms from Central and West Africa

Fig. 3

Time-scaled Bayesian MCC phylogeographic trees of HIV-1 CRF11_cpx pol (a) and env (b) datasets. The color of each branch represents the most probable location origin according to the map given in the figure. Nodes with a relative-high (PP > 0.80 and < 0.90) and high support (PP > 0.90) are marked with black dots and asterisks, respectively. The red dots represent Cameroon as the ancestral root state with location posterior probabilities of 0.99 and 0.98 for pol and env datasets, respectively. Branch lengths are drawn to scale with the concentric circles indicating years. Localities represented are: DRC (CD), Central African Republic (CF), Cameroon (CM), Gabon (GA), Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Chad (TD) and West African countries (WA)

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