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Fig. 5 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 5

From: Inferring Methionine Sulfoxidation and serine Phosphorylation crosstalk from Phylogenetic analyses

Fig. 5

Co-distribution of phosphorylatable and sulfoxidable residues through eukaryote evolution. a. The same phylogeny of eIF2α is mirrored to show the pattern of co-distribution of phosphorylatable and sulfoxidable residues. In the rightwards tree, the presence/absence of a phosphorylatable residue at position 218 of eIF2α in that eukaryotic species is indicated by a red/blue dot, respectively. Similarly, the presence/absence of a sulfoxidable residue at position 222 is indicated by a red/blue dot in the leftwards tree. b. Hypothetical co-distribution of both characters, made up to illustrate Darwin’s scenario: when the co-distribution of specific states of two characters is the result of sharing a pair of synapomorphic characters, each emerged independently and then maintained each by its own motives in the descendants

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