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Fig. 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 1

From: Total evidence phylogeny and evolutionary timescale for Australian faunivorous marsupials (Dasyuromorphia)

Fig. 1

Undated phylogenies of Dasyuromorphia based on 173 morphological characters. a strict consensus of 3888 most parsimonious trees (length = 847 steps), with Myoictis leucura deleted from the starting matrix as a rogue taxon. b 50% majority rule consensus of post-burn-in trees from Bayesian analysis using the Mkv + G model with Parantechinus apicalis deleted from the matrix as a rogue taxon. In a, numbers at nodes represent bootstrap values ≥50%. Branch lengths are arbitrary in both a and b. Myrmecobiidae is highlighted in orange, Thylacinidae in red, and Dasyuridae in blue 

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