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Fig. 7 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 7

From: Multiple paths to cold tolerance: the role of environmental cues, morphological traits and the circadian clock gene vrille

Fig. 7

D. montana cold tolerance after RNA interference (RNAi). A Chill coma resistance (CTmin) and B chill coma recovery time (CCRT) for LacZ-RNAi, no-injection, and vrille-RNAi females that were kept at + 19 °C for the whole time, or at first at + 19 °C and the last 5 days at + 6 °C (cold acclimation period). Dashed lines indicate significant effects of the acclimation in each treatment, and solid lines significant differences between the LacZ control and the other treatments in females that were or were not acclimated. Significance levels were obtained from GLMMs and only significant observations are shown: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001. Numbers below boxplots refer to sample sizes. Whiskers represent ± 1.5 × IQR

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